Sunday, November 22, 2015

Towering Pines and The Fox Sisters

The Towering Pines
Yesterday was a bit chilly here, but my boyfriend and I didn't have any plans so we decided to take our geopup Rogue and find some caches. We went north to Blue Cut Nature Center. We found all 3 of the caches here. The last one took us about 45 minutes to find, although I'm really not sure why. Turns out I was looking on the complete wrong side of the trail the whole time. All 3 caches were great and the Nature Center was really beautiful. There were dozens of really tall pine trees that were amazing.

McDoogins and Rogue in the pine tunnel

We also found a really fun gadget cache called The fox Sisters. It tells the story f two sisters who started hearing rapping noises from their bedroom. They soon were able to communicate with whoever this spirit was by snapping their fingers and they would receive a series of knocks in response. They found out it was a man who was murdered in the house and was buried behind a false wall in the basement. This cache brings you to a park that had been made at the location of their childhood home. The cache container has a lock and you have to "communicate with the spirits" in order to figure out the word that will open the lock. The story and theme were great and it clearly took a lot of work for the CO to put together. Check it out here GC5WJW2

The original Fox House

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