Thursday, November 5, 2015

My first puzzle FTF

Tuesday night was not out of the ordinary, until I got an email that a new cache had been published. It was a new puzzle cache by JAKSolantern featuring the band Social Distortion. I had done a similar puzzle of his before so I knew exactly how it worked. I opened up my trusty friend Google and got to work. I had the answers within a few minutes and the geochecker confirmed my solution, but another cacher had solved it before me. The cache was over 20 minutes from my house and it was already dark out but I decided to go anyway.

After making a few wrong turns and navigating to the posted coordinates instead of the actual ones, I pulled into the area where the cache was. I didn't see any other cars around; was I the first one here? Fearing that neighbors or police would see me I turned off my headlights and fumbled to GZ in the dark. I turned on my flashlight and there it was, the cache! I opened it anxiously and the log was blank! I was first to find! I signed in quickly and headed back to my car before anyone knew I was there.

This was my first ever FTF on a puzzle cache. Thanks to JAKSolantern for putting out this fun puzzle. Check it out at

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